But I can't hide, And I won't go.
SiPing until end of May - def. not the day to stop drinking.
This sandcastle existence is starting to weigh on me… as is my ever increasing mass… now obsessing about my saddle bags.
Just bought armfuls of tulips to cheer myself up and playing La Boheme very loudly…trying to convince myself its working.
Face very sweaty in disposable mask…discovered it also has secondary purpose as double chin hammock while in neutral… that will help, I’m sure.
John walked past my screen while I was on zoom last night.. everyone else was the size of a postage stamp and I was the main feature... apparently my self obsession has reached an all time high.
Wasn’t entirely necessary to point that out in front of attendees... especially when it was a family zoom…now they are more convinced than ever that vanity is one of my most salient features.
Helper child asked me if he should read The Grapes of Wrath… apparently my response was so exuberant, he literally compared me to those in-your-face sales people at the airport in Cabo trying to sell time shares.
Really...Cabo? Not Barcelona? Might have to demote him back to a downstairs role…laughing at my expense is not helpful.
John now profusely hand signaling at us to leave the room as he is on a conf call…looks like an angry aircraft marshal insisting the pilot is too far over and is about to hit the gate.
Who cares what the fuck time time it is...its time for an aperol spritz.