And all that Jazz.

Flattening the is it that I’m making bigger ones...gradually turning into a hippo.
Dishes.. dishes...dishes...bloody covid - def jumped the shark.
Yes, you do mumble…I AM need to e-n-u-n-c-i-a-t-e.
Starting to fantasize about district communications director John Sasaki from Oakland United School District who leaves me messages every day to ensure my student is okay...stoner child doesn’t give a shit…l’m loving the attention...he feels so genuine and caring...that silky voice.
And the UPS guy...he’s def hot... he runs up the stairs two at a time...those brown athletic.
John now eating pistachios in the shells...on my last cuticle.. def. having breakfast dessert now.
Working in the garden.... birds are pissing me off tho'...they all chirp off key.. sounds like an orchestra tuning up their instruments...flying dinosaurs...most annoying.
I can’t sing? How about the tone deaf neighbor on other side of the fence behind us? She is belting Adele Dazeem... “Let it Go..." How about you "Fucking GO!”
Helper child just informed me I look angry all the time...bloody botox officially worn off...not very helpful, thank you.
Just a quick lie down in the sun...boobs officially flopped and fallen under armpits...feel like a beached whale...completely lost all ability to channel glam... bloody covid.