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Another summer day, Has come and gone away

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

In Paris and Rome.

  1. Re-watching Mad Men.. completely engrossed esp. as I was in advertising after it came out… love me some Don Draper…

  2. Amazing week in Tahoe...just what the doctor ordered…nature, family, games, giggles and plenty of R&R.

  3. Played charades... I got Mission Impossible.. apparently humping the coffee table for mission wasn't appropriate in front of the kids.. how else should one have performed it?

  4. Went rafting... couldn’t keep the dog out of the water…little river rat... Thank goodness for his life vest and tether… otherwise we’d have had a drowned rat.

  5. Bug bites all over tho’... now my arse really looks like the moguls at Squaw.

  6. House came with dry sauna… felt v. decadent… shed a few hundred pounds, no doubt.

  7. Always feel a bit reflective on Sundays...nostalgic for long country walks up the hill and down the dale…maybe I’ll make some Yorkshire pud.. that’ll make me feel better esp. as #6.

  8. This time last year, we were in Rome... sigh... oh well...just ordered some amethyst edible glitter to fancy up my cocktails.… and some green tea eye brow serum... feel like I’m accomplishing greatness and its only 10.30am.

  9. Plus new washer/dryer coming Tuesday… excited to not have house shake anymore...def. feeling fierce now.

  10. How am I the last person on the planet to know about Michael Bublé? He shakes his leg a bit oddly when he sings, but his voice is so sexy.

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