Absolutely no idea what day it is...
Gave up diet after 278 mins….set a record - longest diet ever… chugging Gardenia Cambodia now… that’ll do the trick…
Not only is the house getting smaller… but now the dryer isn’t working either…. seems to be shrinking all my clothes…
Used to have to pluck my eye brows… how come I now have to pluck them from my chin?
It’s decided. Going for a mummy makeover in Costa Rica….anyone wanna join me for a two-fer? Party on the pain meds and come out looking gorg!?
Went to the office and stole 12 rolls of TP…another loop hole discovered…
Also picked up two Aeron chairs.. (no numb bumb for me)… helper child came with of course...
Played beer pong… he won and not because I let him... haven’t lost all my parental boundaries!
Forget homeschool, how on earth are we going to do online sleep-away camp???
Have a suspicion that stoner child is baking edibles… hope she saves some for me.
Are we there yet?